Monday, January 3, 2011

Le Scephandre et le Papillon(2007) -French

 Le scaphandre et le Papillon, also called 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' is a beautifully picturized french movie based on the true story of Jean Dominique Bauby. 
The movie tells the story from the view point of a paralyzed person, Mr. Bauby. Mr. Bauby was a very charming journalist who at the age of 43 happens to undergo an unexpected stroke by which he is completely paralyzed. The only part he can move is his left eye-lid. In that stage, he realizes that his body only is paralyzed, but his imagination can still fly like a butterfly. With the help of a patient young lady,Claude Mendibil, he writes a book using his left eye-lid, thats the main turning point of the movie. A few days after the publication of the book, Bauby died of pneumonia.
The Director's signature in the movie is well-felt during the course of the movie. Portrayal of incidents through the eyes of a locked-in man, his memories and imagination, and the people around him is very attractive. Really an inspiring movie. All movie buffs must watch this.

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