The Village is an interesting suspense thriller movie directed by Manoj Night Shyamalan. It tells the story of a village where people live in constant fear of some nameless monsters which are supposed to inhabit in the surrounding forests. They had the borders of the village lined with oil lamps and nobody dared to cross the limits. They see skinned animal bodies which makes the children frightned and it is also seen that the adults keep some secrets from their own children. Story is centred on Lucius Hunt, a young man who seeks permision of the adults to go to the city to get medicines from there. But he is not permitted. When the story evolves, Lucius met with a mishap and get injured badly. Then Ivy, a blind girl who loves Lucius, at last decides to cross the forest to bring medicine from city. This venture of hers unreveals the key suspense of the movie.
The way of story telling of Shyamalan is very catching and background score needs special mention in it. Its a movie worth spending time for.